Blog Interview w/ Dialectics


When I found Dante’s blog Dialectics I was immediately drawn to know more. Complete strangers yet not only do we share a name; we share passion for the art. We are the type of individuals you get to understand by reading what we write; no other way really.

Took a while to get everything in order but I’m happy I got the chance to have this interview. There are many things we’ve planned down the pipeline. But before we get to all that awesomeness, let’s check out some of Dante’s answers to my questions. Perhaps we’ll all get a chance to understand the man behind the mystery.

If you’re curious about my answers to his questions you can check them out here


What can you tell us about yourself and your blog?

I’m Dante, I love languages. Whether they be spoken or coded – I love learning them and using them. I really enjoy reading – poetry, literature and a lot of novels (sci-fi, horror, dark fantasy and some satirical stuff)

My blog is the truest representation of me and you will learn more about me from reading through it than you would from me telling you. It seems chaotic – the way my mind is – but there is a kind of order hidden within that chaos.


What inspired you to start your blog?

I would not necessarily call inspiration rather necessity. I have never had someone I can talk to openly – someone who will listen. I made my blog as a means to say the things I needed to and clear my mind. My thoughts get away with me and it’s a place I put them so they don’t flood my head.


How would you describe your blogging style?

Unfiltered. Because my blog is first and foremost about me – what I feel like sharing will usually wind up on there.


What are you aware of now that you wish you knew when you started your blog?

I am not restricted to writing about a single thing. I had a blog once – my first one – that was restricted to one subject matter. That did not go as well as I had thought. This may work for other bloggers, but my mind does not function like that – I understand that now.


Is there a particular message or theme you wish to evoke to your readers when blogging?

This relates to the quote that resonates with me – I would hope that they learn to appreciate the little things, the small wins. Everyone seems so concerned with being huge and flashy, they overlook that sometimes all you need could be as simple as a smile, a ‘hello, how are you’. Sometimes all you need is for someone to show they care and are there if you need them


How much time do you spend writing?

I’m always writing. It may not leave my head or get on the blog, but my mind is a constant stream of thoughts which most of the time I have no control over.


I hear many people say ‘blogging is easy’. As a blogger, what are your thoughts on this?

This all depends on the individual really. For some it comes naturally, others have to work harder at it. For me, I’ve always loved books and words so writing, blogging isn’t that difficult.


What are you looking forward to doing in the coming months?

The digital marketing course I started. It is out of my usual area of work, so that should be interesting. I’m also hoping to see a very good friend before the year ends, have not seen them since lockdown started.


What quote do you most resonate with?

  For the longest time it was 《 à petits pas, j’irai très loin 》 : With little steps I will go very far, which still holds true most of the time but I go back to this one more:


To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.”


It inspired this post Grain of Sand


Please check out his blog, plenty of interesting content waiting for you there. And Dante, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, really appreciate it.

We will be back soon.


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